Carbon emissions is a real problem deserving of a real solution and conservatism for GOD’s green earth is the solution.
We do not have to choose between economic growth and sustainability. In fact, sustainability is essential to long-term economic growth. But we must take an evidence-based approach to sustainability utilizing a capitalistic ideology from energy
policy and technology integration.
The United States must embrace an “All of the Above” approach to energy. We should say YES to wind and solar, but also to nuclear power, natural gas, and other more immediately attainable solutions, while still allowing for robust domestic oil production in order to lower gas prices as we work towards long-term solutions.
However, even if we were to somehow immediately reach net zero emissions today, we would still face devastating consequences due to the existing buildup of greenhouse gases. So, we must invest in carbon sequestration technologies. Carbon sequestration removes carbon from the atmosphere.
No matter how we approach energy resilience issues, the United States needs a long-term strategy. Congress needs to move past the bickering of energy companies and special interest groups and establish a clear pathway to success. As a renewable energy researcher and expert, I look forward to leading this effort as your next Congressman from Virginia’s 3rd Congressional District.